
I want to be kendo

with bushido
in contemplation of sword

but I have no foot work
nor stance
striking  angry and wild

an undisciplined

I want to be kendo

with bushido
in contemplation of warrior

the code
the nature
nothing to do with battles

It is for finding the centre
and breathing

Nature of contemplation
and the contemplation of nature

Kendo with bushido

but I have no foot work
nor stance
striking  angry and wild

an undisciplined
disciple always

5 thoughts on “Sword”

      1. I am sorry to hear that I do completely empathize with you, I have three sons the eldest of which like you is coming up forty. He and the youngest both work in IT and have stress! Also there is the stress of paying the morgatage, running a home and being aware of their other halves ( one married one with a long term parter) Life is a bitch and then some , if you ever need a sympathic ear I am here…. I get stressed too with life ..but as to the job and the bill keep your head ..smile a lot that always annoys them because they think “what is he smiling about what does he know that we don’t) Hugs!!

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