I am thinking of her knickers

There is no two ways about it
I think about these often
and do they match
what’s up above

It is easy for me
my pants are black
and two pairs of jeans
both grey, no thinking

But she wants to look
good, be fine for my
eyes to drink eddies in
so I think about her knickers
do they match what
is up above

Some of you do this too
don’t deny it, just human
nature to wonder on skin
and its covering
are they black, grey or see thru

So I am thinking of her knickers
and maybe her feet too

17 thoughts on “I am thinking of her knickers”

  1. I think what amuses me the most is the word “knickers.” I know what it means, but it doesn’t sound as naughty to my American ears. But I do know what you mean so I can read this poem through (I hope) two sets of ears, each on a different side of the pond.

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